For Admissions Click here…!
The admission process is designed to enroll students not only demonstrating promise but also other worthy children. Along with the prospectus, a registration form, medical history and declaration forms are enclosed.
Registration does not imply admission, but it is subject to the admission criteria. Prospectus and registration forms are available only on specific dates as displayed on the notice board at the school campus. Students from other schools seeking admission at Century should submit the following details:
✓ Filled in application form
✓ Transfer certificate with EMIS number
✓ Photocopy of the birth certificate
✓ Photocopy of the community certificate of the student
✓ Photocopy of the Aadhar card
✓ Students Passport size photo (3)
✓ Photocopy of the ration card
✓ Filled and countersigned medical history
✓ Declaration form if any
✓ Students from other states have to produce migration certificate, students from other
boards like CBSE, ICSE etc., should get their TC countersigned from their District Education
Department. For 11th admission, 10th std mark sheet and original TC should be produced.
If you decide that Century is the right choice for your ward, we recommend you to visit our school in person to get more details. You can visit us at our school campus between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on all working days.
Kindergarten Eligibility
- Pre KG- children who have completed 2yrs and above
- LKG-children who have completed 3yrs and above
- UKG-children of 4yrs and above
Duly filled in application form and documents to be produced at the time of registration.